E-learning Staples For Companies
Posted on November 5, 2018
Companies today are ready to adopt current training trends, and e-learning is one of them. It has become imperative to include e-learning in the roster of organizations’ training strategies, especially if they have a huge workforce and are coming from different locations. One good reason is that everyone knows digital, and this age is not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it is continuously evolving into different forms that lead us to unimaginable discoveries. Given that e-learning is now a staple in L&D, it is time to identify which trainings can be more effective and efficient if delivered with the help of e-learning. We round up different kinds of training where e-learning can impact the company greatly.1. E-learning for Onboarding
All new employees go through a series of orientations and trainings to be fully onboard with the company before being deployed to perform their specific functions. The onboarding phase is crucial because this is when the company introduces itself for the very first time to its new recruits. This manages expectations, informs them of the company policies, and aligns them with the company’s vision, mission, and values among others. The reason why e-learning must be incorporated in onboardings is that it would leave your employees impressed and engaged. Not only will it help your company build its brand, but it will also motivate them and excite them to work with you and for the company. Also, we all know that onboarding is a never-ending cycle. Whatever e-learning material you use, you can still use it for the new wave of recruits to come.2. E-learning for Product, Service, and Standards Training
These kinds of training, admit it or not, can give learners information overload. Imagine yourself being the learner and your job requires you to master these, so you can do your functions well within the shortest time possible. This is true especially for front-liners such as people who are in sales, customer service, and other functions which includes interaction with customers. E-learning helps learners acquire a hefty amount of information without sitting through days of classroom trainings. They can get all the information whenever and wherever they need. Though skills for performing services or sales pitch require a trainer’s demonstration and/or a classroom simulation, e-learning can still play a big part in providing the technical information for it and classroom sessions can serve as workshops focusing more on activities and interactions that would greatly help them exercise their functions.3. E-learning for Compliance Training
Every industry has their own set of trainings mandated by the government. These compliance trainings are required to be disseminated and understood clearly by the organization and its employees to be fully compliant with the government’s standards. These trainings are so critical and time-sensitive that, most of the time, it must be rolled out as soon as possible. This is where e-learning comes in. It can lift the burden of implementing company-wide trainings with a deadline. Aside from achieving the main purpose of taking the training, e-learning can also turn tedious compliance trainings into a fun and engaging one.4. E-learning for Software Training
Departments handling large-scale information, processes, and procedures are most likely the ones who use software to keep everything organized and documented. Having an available e-learning material to guide people navigate the software can save up a lot of time and effort in the long run. It makes them more productive as well, given that an e-learning reference is readily available for them, making the answers accessible for them right then and there.5. E-learning for Soft Skills Training
Soft skills training is often overlooked by organizations, but it is extremely important. It builds the most essential skills a professional should have. If companies give their people soft skills training, it would greatly impact the whole organization. E-learning courses can be developed specifically for companies to incorporate their culture and values, but companies also have the option to pick off-the-shelf or ready-made courses that would fit their objectives. E-learning is a powerful method to deliver trainings and information. Trainings with e-learning can be done a whole lot easier and can be a lot more effective and efficient in the long run. Whatever form of e-learning may it be, we should take advantage of the tools and other great advancements this age brought us. Source: https://elearningindustry.com/elearning-modules-organizations-5-must