A potential client asked us a few days ago just how many users our online learning platform could cope with. The question came as a bit of a surprise not because the answer was difficult, but that so many providers seem to offer online learning platforms heavily based on the number of users.
It is difficult and overwhelming when planning for something as massive as creating an e-learning university for your company, especially from scratch. Some organizations are unsure of what their specific business needs are and where to even begin, making the experience an overwhelming project to undertake. As challenging as it is to begin, the rewards… View Article
As more and more organizations implement online learning strategies, there may be some learners new to this method of learning or are currently adjusting to online learning as the primary source of education. With any habit being formed, learners can benefit from creating a positive online learning experience. This article is a beginner’s guide to… View Article
Do you want to take online courses? Online courses give you the flexibility to take your course anytime and anywhere. Aside from having good time management, self-discipline, determination and motivation you need to stay focused to successfully complete your eLearning courses. Here’s some study tips we found from one of our fave e-Learning sites.